As a deeply empathic and emotional soul, the creative process in all of its various and beautiful forms, has always been a necessary tool for me.
From writing poetry + short stories to painting, every creative endeavor provides a safe, sacred space for me to pour out my feelings, my imaginings,
my whole Self - in a way that requires no explanation. It just simply is.
“Art can permeate
the very deepest part of us,
where no words exist.”
Painting, for me, is a form of active meditation.
It allows me to open myself up to the infinite realms, so that I can be a bridge between dimensions of reality.
My artwork is simply my humble attempt to bring into the physical,
the extraordinary dreams and visions that flow through me.
I have always believed that when we look at a piece of art that touches us deeply,
we are connecting to the vibrational frequency, or energetic imprint of the soul that created it.
If my art speaks to some part of you, or sparks a deeper knowing,
please know that it is merely reflecting back to you
the beauty, magic and love
you hold within.
“My deepest wish is that anyone who resonates with my art, feels the depth of love and wonder i have for this magnificent world - both seen and unseen.”