past-life regression
I am SO excited to be offering healing hypnosis and past-life regression sessions! After spending over a decade working with clients doing hands-on energy healing, I felt called to become a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Soul Center Healing Hypnosis Practitioner. Many of my current clients are walking a very sacred path of healing trauma, and shifting the prevailing internal beliefs created from those experiences that continue to have an impact. Working directly with the subconscious mind and Higher Self was the obvious next step for me!
These healing sessions are absolutely phenomenal as individuals can truly tap into their own internal guidance system and innate wisdom. During these sessions, we can identify and clear energy blockages, trapped emotions, and energetic attachments that are creating physical, mental and emotional issues. Profound healing and shifts can take place instantaneously.
Exploring other incarnations can give so much insight and awareness to common themes in your current lifetime, and give you the bigger picture of why you are here on Earth right now. Because time and space are not linear, there are infinite lifetimes (past + future timelines) and dimensions you can explore. Of course your soul knows exactly what you need to see and experience to help you gain understanding, transcend and evolve.
Please know that you will be held in the highest frequency of love throughout this journey.
These experiences are sacred and holy, and are treated as such from start to finish. Every single session is a beautiful miracle, and I am beyond grateful to hold this space for healing, remembering and expansion!
Investment for this session: 275$
“What we know is a drop. What we don’t know is an ocean.” - Isaac Newton
< words of gratitude >
Everything You Need to Know About Hypnotherapy + Past-life Regression
What is Hypnotherapy?
Utilizing hypnotic states to access a greater understanding of the self, has been practiced by cultures around the world for aeons of time. Clinical Hypnotherapy as we know it today, has been effectively used for many decades by psychotherapists to help clients access their own subconscious experiences and beliefs that may be keeping them stuck in certain patterns of behavior.
Because consciousness is not bound by time or space, we can easily travel in a very safe and detached way, to specific moments that impacted us. This allows us to reframe the scene with our current level of awareness and wisdom, or identify what we needed in the moment that would have helped rather than harmed us. Hypnosis is amazing for easily identifying AND healing the root cause or the origin point of many physical/mental/emotional issues we may be experiencing.
How is the Subconscious Mind Accessed?
As a Clinical Hypnotherapist + SCHH Practitioner, I will help you get into a deeply relaxed state, utilizing techniques that relax both the body and the conscious, “awake” mind.
You can then move easily into a beautiful, peaceful state known as the “theta state”. Under hypnosis, most individuals are in a day-dreamy state, and can easily move back into an alert state.
You will not be in an unconscious trance state with no awareness of yourself or surroundings.
However, just like waking up after having a very good dream, many individuals do not immediately recall every single detail. Your session will be recorded, and an audio file will be sent for you to download and listen whenever you are ready!
What is the Theta State?
Theta brainwaves (4-8 Hz) can be measured and seen upon EEG (electro-encephalogram) and are associated with a specific level of consciousness.
The theta state is achieved when brainwaves have slowed down, and the right brain becomes more active. We naturally move through the theta state right before drifting off to sleep and upon waking. Bursts of theta waves are also detected during REM sleep - the sleep cycle associated with active dreaming. The body and mind are completely relaxed, and our right brain is active- allowing us to have incredible visions, imagination, and lucid dreams. This also allows us to access our own infinite wisdom, our true self or “higher self” that knows the solutions to our problems and the answers to all of our questions.
There are many tools and techniques that can help activate the theta state such as meditation, sound healing, reiki, relaxation techniques, creative endeavors (painting, creating music etc), being in nature and hypnosis.
What is Soul Center Healing Hypnosis?
Soul Center Healing Hypnosis is a quantum healing technique created by Laura Whitworth. Laura is a UK based psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, and practiced QHHT (Delores Cannon’s past-life regression technique) for many years. She was guided to create this incredible hypnosis technique to include an in-depth scan of the physical and energetic bodies; removal of all energetic/entity attachments; rebuilding and strengthening the chakra system; exploring other incarnations through quantum traveling; and, facilitating connection with the higher self + team of guides. Laura utilized her depth of knowledge and years of experience to create a technique that could be done online safely and effectively, opening up this deeply profound healing technique to anyone in the world!
How is the session conducted?
The session is conducted fully online over zoom. It is absolutely AMAZING that you can have an experience like this while feeling safe and cozy in the privacy of your own space!
This allows you to achieve a much deeper state of relaxation in a shorter amount of time. You will be sent some paperwork to fill out and send back prior to the actual session so that I can have a crystal clear understanding of your intention for the session.
You will need to have a headset with a microphone that sits in front of the mouth to conduct this session properly.
During your SCHH session, you will be in such a deep state of relaxation, that you may begin to speak very, very softly. It is imperative that I can hear you at all times and that you can hear me. Having a microphone that sits in front of the mouth allows you to move your head and body as you wish, without having to worry about connections and cords etc.
What is a session like?
An SCHH session is an extraordinary technique for healing, and for gaining wisdom and clarity about your soul’s journey. Your 4 hour session consists of:
1 hour pre-session consultation. We will discuss the information you share regarding your personal history and your intention for the session.
2.5 hours for the actual session. The flow of the session is intuitive, but will always include these core components:
relaxing the body and mind
identify and removing any dense energies, trapped emotions or energetic attachments creating disharmony
restoring energy flow and balance to the chakras and repairing the auric field
exploring other lifetimes
merging with the Higher Self for guidance and answers to your questions
gently bringing you out of the theta state (hypnotic state) into full conscious awareness
30 minutes for grounding and wrapping up the session.
What do I need to do to prepare for the session?
You do need to be able to visualize (see things in your mind’s eye) for a session to be successful. For example, most people can picture a flower or a house in their mind if prompted. During a session like this, you will be in a very dream-like relaxed state and the right side of your brain will be activated, making visualization much more effortless. All you need to do is trust yourself, and trust the visions that are coming into your awareness. Prior to your session, you may want to do some guided meditations to activate your third eye chakra + strengthen your inner vision.
*It is important to note that these are multidimensional memories. Meaning… you may be on Earth, but the Earth doesn’t look like it does today. There may be different animals or plant-life that your brain doesn’t quite compute. You may be in the Spirit realm, or on another planet, or in a lifetime that we would perceive as “the future”. When these things occur, our rational, conscious minds can sometimes try to come online and override the information we are receiving as “not possible”. Believe me when I say EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Everything. There is nothing outside of the realm of possibility in an SCHH session!
Trust yourself and understand that you are being shown EXACTLY what you need to see for your soul’s growth in this lifetime. It is ALL important information to assist the person you are in this life, in this now.
The amount of recall that people have during these sessions is absolutely AMAZING. And, the intuitive knowing, the sensations and emotions that are felt when connecting to these memories/experiences are EXTRAORDINARY. TRUST the process. TRUST yourself! Your intention for this session will take you exactly where you need to go!