a guide for healing
Healing isn’t something you do,
it’s what you are.
I believe that self-healing is the most important contribution we can make to this world. It has a reverberating, rippling effect on every aspect of our daily life, and the lives of those around us.
Healing is a continuous process. As human beings on Earth, we are always in a state of flux, tipping the scales from one side to another, every fiber of our being working to maintain a state of equilibrium. This process is constantly going on - in every cell of our bodies, with every thought and every feeling, every moment of every day. What we consider to be wellness, is simply a beautiful place where that equilibrium is achieved. When we perceive ourselves to be “sick”, we are truly out of balance… with ourselves, our bodies, our minds, our environment.
The human journey IS the healing journey - the path to complete unconditional self-love. This process can feel so much lighter when we utilize the amazing tools and practices we have available to us. From my experience working with clients, and from my own personal healing path, there are certain elements that can be hugely impactful when working towards overcoming mental, emotional or physical imbalances. These practices, when combined with the power of our own intention for healing, can truly catapult us out of the spin cycle of our own fears, traumas and limiting beliefs.
connect with nature
We cannot truly connect with ourselves if we are disconnected from the natural world. We are a part of the body of the Earth. The same building blocks of matter that comprise this extraordinary planet make up our bones, our brains, our blood. Just as each precious cell in our bodies has a unique place and function in making up the whole, so are we, as fractals of the Earth equally as precious and important to Her. We are meant to be in harmony with our Mother Planet - understanding and honoring Her cycles and rhythms. To ignore our innate connection with the Earth and nature is to deny our own existence. And the impact on our body, mind and Spirit is devastating.
You only need to open your eyes from where you are sitting in this moment to see this planet is alive, beckoning us to interact with Her. She is a magnificent conscious Being with a journey all her own. Yet, with each inhale and exhale, we too, are a part of this perfect and eternal Flow of Energy. The Earth - like all things in the Universe, generates a very unique frequency. Known as “Schumann’s Resonance”, this frequency has been studied extensively and is known to have very specific health benefits. When isolated from the Earth’s frequency, detrimental effects have been noted such as physical illness, anxiety and depression.
The practice of GROUNDING every single day is imperative. We don’t need science to tell us how good we feel when we are in nature. Standing outside with your feet on the ground allows this loving frequency from the Earth to flow into your body. Connect consciously with Her. Send her love and gratitude for all that She provides! If you are truly unable to be outside, simply close your eyes and visualize yourself standing on your most favorite spot on Earth. This meditative exercise is equally as powerful and effective. It is a wonderful tool that you can use in any situation where you need instant peace and serenity.
Connect with YOURself
The path of self-healing is ultimately the journey to unconditional self-love. But who even is the Self? Who are we? What are we? How did we get to where we are now in this moment? What memories and stories have been imprinted in our conscious and subconscious minds, causing us to think, act and respond in specific ways? In order to truly make a positive and permanent shift in our lives, we must witness ourselves, both as the experiencer and the observer.
In order to be an experiencer of the Self, we must be fully present in our bodies, constantly vigilant, resisting the temptation to suppress, compartmentalize and deny the thoughts and emotions that surface. For these are the building blocks creating our current reality.
In order to be an observer of the Self, we must tap into our true, eternal Higher aspects. This Higher version, having a more expansive vantage point and seeing all infinite possibilities, is always attempting to guide us through direct communication, synchronicities, dreams and daydreams.
There is one tried and true method for accessing both the experiencer and the observer- MEDITATION. Through a daily meditation practice, we can be fully present with ourselves and our Higher selves simultaneously.
With each breath, we can connect more fully with our physical bodies. This allows us to receive feedback regarding where tension, stress and trapped emotions are stored. What is revealed can then be acknowledged, honored and healed. Meditation allows the frantic and fleeting thoughts of the conscious mind to quiet. In this infinite and eternal space, we can better hear that guiding voice within us that knows and understands the answers to all of our questions, and the solution to any problem we may encounter.
Meditation does not need to be a complicated or structured practice. It can be as simple as closing your eyes and taking a deep breath wherever you are, turning your awareness within for a few moments throughout the day. Just one single intentional breath can make you feel instantly connected to your body, your true Self and all life around you.
Active Meditation is any sort of repetitive motion where the body is active and the mind can easily slip into a day-dreamy state. Activities like running, dancing, yoga, or knitting can almost put you in a trance-like waking state, where your attention becomes inwardly focused and information can flow freely.
Creative Meditation is any sort of creative activity like painting, playing music, free-writing, singing etc, where you are channeling your Higher Self and bringing that energy forward directly into physical form. Any act of creation is a beautiful way to connect more deeply with yourself, and important for raising the vibration of the entire world.
gratitude as a daily practice
Choosing to have gratitude allows us to be fully present, and to see the love and blessings all around at every moment. By actively seeking to find the evidence of LOVE in our lives, we gradually shift our lens and open our eyes to see a beautiful new world. Gratitude truly transforms the mind, body and Spirit, making us healthier, happier and better equipped to navigate the constant ebb and flow of life.
Gratitude as a mindful practice, opens up the heart, promotes feelings of peace and encourages compassion + kindness towards others and ourselves.
A wonderful way to see how gratitude can change your reality is by committing to a daily gratitude practice for one month. If you are ready to experience the benefits of gratitude for yourself, here is a simple yet very powerful daily exercise to try:
Begin every single day by opening your eyes and taking a deep breath in and out. As you continue to breathe, begin to focus your awareness on five things you are grateful for. Really feel the emotions of love, joy and gratitude rise up within you, warming the body and opening up the heart chakra. Let these images and feelings wash over you. As you sink deeper and deeper into this beautiful feeling state of gratitude, speak each of these things out loud, “Today, I am grateful for _______.
Repeat this exercise every morning, finding five new things to be grateful for.
Write them down. Journal your gratitude reflections. The more attention you place upon the energy of gratitude, the more quickly and effortlessly you will have an abundance of things in your life to be grateful for!
“With our thoughts, we create the world.” This beautiful quote from Buddha sums up what every great master, prophet and teacher has been trying to tell us for thousands of years. You are the POWERFUL creator of your own life! What you think, feel and place your attention upon is shaping the landscape of the world you live in. Whether you are consciously aware of it or not makes no difference. It’s happening anyway - every minute of every day. For this is simply a Universal Law.
When we are ready to move out of victim consciousness (where things are happening to us) and begin actively creating experiences we want, an enormous energetic shift takes place. We are no longer merely a leaf in the wind, blown about by circumstances that are seemingly beyond our control. By placing our attention and intention upon what we truly desire, magic and wonders beyond belief can manifest into our daily lives. This is why intentional living is so important!
Intentional Living is a daily practice. And like any other practice in our lives, it requires focus and vigilance to master. If you have made the choice to stand in your power as a Divine Creator Being, here are some ways to get started.
Begin Every Day with Intention: Upon waking, focus your very first thoughts on what you would like your day to look and feel like. Spend a few minutes visualizing it all, as if it were actually happening. Affirm out loud these things that you believe will manifest. This exercise is SO powerful because you are matching your frequency to the frequency you desire to experience. Like attracts Like - pure and simple.
Examine Every Thought: This is where all deep programming, family imprinting and limiting belief systems reside. Pay attention. Question everything. Ask yourself: Where did that thought or belief truly originate? Is this a belief that serves the person I am now in this moment? What do I really believe, and what has been absorbed by my conscious and subconscious mind from others? This process alone is hugely enlightening.
Follow The Triggers: Every strong emotional response we have to anything external is simply a beautiful system in place intended to illuminate that which needs healing. Be brave. Allow yourself to fully feel all emotions without resistance or judgement. Then follow them to the source. These triggers aren’t random landmines, they are a carefully drawn map leading us to the small, wounded parts of ourselves that are longing to be seen and loved and forgiven.
Create Sacred Space: Your sacred space helps you to slow down, shift gears and focus upon what you are intending to create, heal or manifest. Designate a specific spot to serve as a visual reminder of your intentions and your dedication to your spiritual journey. This can be an altar, a shelf - wherever you feel guided. Get creative by adding items that you love and treasure, things that hold meaning to you. This is a truly a beautiful, dynamic space that reflects and honors the essence of you as a sacred, holy and divine human being!
Make Self-Care a Priority: This journey is not for the faint of heart. It takes great courage, patience and trust in the perfection of the process as it unfolds. Honor your mind, body and Spirit daily by being open to receive support and nurturing along the way. Self-care is an act of love, and a beautiful gift you are giving yourself!
energetic healing modalities
We are beyond blessed to be living at a time when ancient wisdom is resurfacing and available to us. Subtle Energy Healing techniques work on all layers of the mind, body and Spirit. This is vibrational medicine, true holistic healing. Here are a few of the healing techniques that have been transformational in my own life.
Reiki: A Reiki practitioner holds space for healing by channeling the Universal life force energy that is always available to us. This energy flows through the practitioner’s hands and into the physical and energetic bodies of the receiver. Reiki goes where it needs to go and heals what needs healing in order to support the desired intention.
Sound Healing: This ancient technique has been used since the beginning of time for healing. Specific sustained hertz frequency sound waves can move stagnant energy within the body and energetic fields, balance the chakras and expand consciousness. A trained sound therapist uses tools such as singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes and many other instruments to achieve a desired effect. You can easily incorporate sound into your self-healing practice by singing mantras or toning.
Healing Hypnosis: A healing hypnosis practitioner utilizes techniques to induce a deeply relaxed state (theta state), giving the client access to the subconscious mind, and previous experiences/beliefs that may still be having an impact on the now moment. These can be cleared and released during the session, and tremendous healing can take place instantaneously. This technique is SO incredibly powerful!
Lithotherapy: This technique utilizes placing stones and crystals on or around the body for healing. Lithotherapy operates on the principle of entrainment. Simply explained, when a stone or crystal is placed on the body or in the energetic field, its steady and unwavering frequency causes your frequency to raise or lower to match it, or to synchronize. Stones are amazing healing tools and they carry within them the loving frequency of our Mother Earth.
Flower Essences: These lovely healers are made by harnessing the energetic signature of a flower, and creating a tincture that is taken internally. This subtle yet powerful modality works primarily on the emotional body, and over time balances and heals the whole Self. As within, so without. That’s literal Flower Power!