exploring other incarnations
Human Beings have an innate curiosity and yearning for knowledge about other lives they have lived. For aeons of time, people have utilized psychics and seers to tap into their “past lives.” Psychologists and Hypnotherapists have been facilitating sessions for decades, taking people back to other lives or even lives between lives, as a way to understand the complexity of traumas, phobias, triggers or even deep soul connections with other people in this current lifetime. On some basic level, it is as if we inherently understand that we are indeed impacted by our other incarnations. How could we not be? If we are able to grasp the teachings from the ancient masters and enlightened ones throughout history, and discoveries from the field of quantum physics today, then we must understand that there is no linear time. What we commonly refer to then as the notion of “past lives”, must expand to include infinite probable past, present and future incarnations that are all occurring simultaneously. And if we are able to not only grasp, but truly believe the concept that everything is connected, and there is no separation, then it would stand to reason that we would have direct access to other incarnations, and they would in turn have direct access to us. Now, that’s an incomprehensible wealth of wisdom and experience to be shared when you really think about it!
I visualize consciousness like water. The totality of one’s soul, then, would be a river -vast, strong, flowing, moving, shifting, gathering, growing. Each individual lifetime that a soul experiences is like a stream. The water (consciousness) flowing through each individual stream (lifetime) is experiencing many different environments, encountering local animals and plant life, varied species of microorganisms, flowing over specific types of soil and rock, each adding their own vibrational frequency to the water itself over time. The streams all eventually merge back together one by one into the river (soul), and the river then contains all of the water (consciousness) that has traveled across space and time. Just as the water in the river contains the unique properties and characteristics of each individual stream, so does our soul contain all experiences, wisdom, gifts and abilities from each lifetime. There is a reason human beings have coined the phrase “stream of consciousness” - because consciousness is eternally flowing! And when we intentionally tap into this magnificent river of information, we can effortlessly have instant access to ALL we have learned along our many journeys - both on Earth and beyond.
As humanity ascends into a new era of ever-expanding consciousness and multidimensionality, it is inevitable that we will have the ability to connect with other incarnational aspects of ourSelves. Perceiving other incarnations can be a bit unfamiliar and strange to say the least. But as with all things along this magnificent remembering, we must ponder the eternal question - WHY? Why was this particular lifetime shown to me? And how can I best utilize these memories of other lifetimes (past, present and future) that are reaching out me in this now moment? The answers to these queries have unfolded over many years for me -and I know they will continue to unfold over many more. I am absolutely a more whole, healed and expanded version of myself through simply allowing these other incarnational selves to merge with my own consciousness. Especially when I can see a theme emerging of specific “core” types of trauma, and then patterns of reactions to that trauma, played out in various ways. Limiting belief systems can be observed and challenged, which is imperative for transcending personal and collective paradigms that no longer serve us. It is also quite enlightening and humbling to witness yourself in other lifetimes as both the victim and the perpetrator (depending on the perspectives of those involved) in such a profound and visceral way. This truly aids in gaining understanding, compassion and greater empathy for individuals playing out those roles in this lifetime - which is a beautiful thing!
It is important to note that merging with another incarnation is a two-way street. In other words, all of YOUR experiences, gifts, unique abilities and wisdom that YOU have gained in this lifetime are transmitted through this beautiful energetic exchange as well. Think for just a moment about your life now - the many trials and tribulations, the ways in which you have overcome obstacles, the courage you have had in facing your fears, all of the excitements and elations. Think of all you have learned, the natural abilities you have nurtured and the skills you have worked so hard to master. Those experiences, that knowledge and wisdom are all available as vibrational information, ready and waiting to be shared and received by past, present (yes, you can have simultaneous incarnations!) and future versions of you!
There are many ways to begin your journey of connecting to your other incarantional selves, but they all truly start with INTENTION. Setting your intention for connecting with an open heart, following your excitement for uncovering greater truths about yourself and TRUSTING your intuition and the information you receive are the cornerstones for this and ANY quest for spiritual knowledge. For me personally, this information has come in a variety of ways: through the dreamstate, lucid dreams, daydreams, a sudden flash of awareness, during meditation, or simply a deep internal knowing. Fortunately, I have had a lifetime of experience learning to trust my intuition. I can immediately feel in my heart, soul and body, the truth and the significance of the information that is being shown to me and I don’t question it! Yet, I know from my own journey and from years of working with clients, getting the “logical” brain to out of the way can be the biggest challenge when doing this type of multidimensional work. You can also seek out this information by doing a past-life regression with a hypnotherapist. These amazing individuals guide you through layers of your own consciousness, helping you tap into other lifetimes that are relevant and connected to experiences you are having in this now moment. I have done both Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) and Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (SCHH) sessions, and found them to be quite exciting and interesting! I am still processing the profound insight, awareness and healing that took place across space and time.
Ultimately, I believe that quantum leaps in self-awareness can be achieved through these explorations. You can read more reflections about the incarnations that have most deeply impacted my life: Azori , Ma’ah and the Faerie Realm in other posts!