
As I sit in reflection on the eve of my birthday, my thoughts instantly take me to a remarkable experience I had four years ago - one that was specifically gifted to me by my Higher Self. Every year, my understanding deepens for how necessary this experience was for my personal Ascension process, as well as for assisting others to remember their own power and connection.

During sleep state, I became fully and completely conscious, able to embody both myself and Higher dimensional aspects simultaneously. As I was waking up and blinking the residual sleepiness out of my eyes, I could see clearly that I was adrift in the Cosmos. Where I was expecting to see the white ceiling of my bedroom, I saw an enormous and beautiful spiral galaxy above me. I was mesmerized by its magnificence. I was so close to it, floating just underneath. I could see so many stars and such vibrant colors, colors that I have never seen before. Trying to get my bearings, I looked down and saw another spiraling galaxy below me. My rational mind attempted to process how it was exactly that I could see every inch of these massive galaxies so closely. Then it hit me…what I perceived as my body was as big as these galaxies. I said out loud, “I’m as big as a galaxy! Wait… I am a galaxy. I AM A GALAXY!” I couldn’t believe it. The realization sent waves of excitement throughout my entire Being. I looked down at myself, and could see my beautiful galaxy body. Slowly, I began to move and I could see my spiral arms gently waving. Rivers of wonder and bliss flowed through me as I took it all in. I had a sudden knowing that these galaxies were all connected at the center points (heart) to each other by some toroidal field where energy could flow back and forth. The hearts of the galaxies were all connected.
I was guided to surrender and to allow myself to fully feel into the experience of being a galaxy. I closed my starry eyes and breathed. I was pure Source energy. I contained all things and all Beings in the Universe. There was no separation between me and anything - from the biggest galaxy to the tiniest molecule. All was one. There was no separation because every space was filled with LOVE. Love was a conduit- it was like the air- everywhere, filling the spaces between. We are all connected no matter how big or how small. There is no distance that love can’t traverse in a nanosecond. In that beautiful gift of a moment, I truly was everything and everyone all at once, floating in a cosmic sea of God-Source Love energy. My heart was so expanded and so full of ecstatic bliss, I felt as if I could barely contain it all. So I shined it out to the entire Universe. Love. For all Beings. Love- pure, unconditional, ALL.

I came back from this experience forever changed. There are no words to adequately express the gratitude I have for what was shown to me that night. I was graciously given a true understanding of the words we so often hear… “Love is all there is” and “we are all connected” and “separation is only an illusion".
I was given an experience outside of time and space, to BE ALL, to FEEL ALL, to SEE ALL and to LOVE ALL. In that pure and precious moment, I was… love.
I have always been and will always be LOVE.
And so are you.

melissa hobson