transforming time

Last night I had such a profound dream experience. There were a lot of elements leading up to the climax of the dream that may seem irrelevant to the untrained third-eye, but they were indeed all clues for my sleuthing personality self to piece together upon waking.

I was with my two daughters in a small town in Mexico. We were standing at an intersection of a market square, waiting to cross the street when i saw my beloved cat being picked up by some officers and carried inside of a police station. I was confused, but also immediately sprung into action to go and retrieve her. As I started to walk, an enormous insect attached itself to the top of my right hand. It was so big, I couldn’t see my hand at all. It had numerous sets of legs with suction cup feet. Once it latched on, there was no shaking it off- I just had to wait for it to fly away. I was vividly aware of the feeling of each little suction cup foot and where it was on my hand. Eventually, it finally released and I watched it fly away, high up into the sky. I hear myself think “what ARE those? I’ve never seen anything like that before.”

We continue on across the street and head to the police station to get my cat. Again, this insect attached itself to my right hand, and I try to shake it off with no success. I take some deep breaths, willing myself not to freak out from the uncomfortable sensation of the tiny little suction cup feet crawling on my skin. I wait patiently for it to fly away. “Look at the face”, my dream narrator self whispers. I make a point to really look. This was not a typical insect face. It had more realistic features and made distinct facial expressions as it looked back at me.

Inside the station, the two officers are grilling us about the authenticity of the information we are giving them. I acknowledge that it probably did seem highly unlikely that three American tourists found their cat wandering about in a foreign country. The station is decorated for Christmas. “Oh look, It’s Christmas time” my dream narrator self says. “Pay attention - this is important! It’s Christmas. As we are going on and on, explaining the distinct and undeniably adorable features of our cat, the insect once again attaches itself to my right hand. I am feeling absolute frustration. The sensation is SO distracting, and it takes everything I have to stay calm and wait for it to fly away on its own…again.

We get the cat and leave. We walk down to the beach and are staring into the waves. This relentless insect attaches itself to my right hand AGAIN. Except this time, I’m instantly pulled into some sort of a void, a portal within my own self. All I can see is darkness and I can hear the echoing sound of my own thoughts bouncing off unseen walls. I hear my breath as I’m trying to hold it together. Everything is heightened, and every feeling is intensified in this place. The suction cup feet are driving me mad. “Just keep breathing. It will be over soon. This part doesn’t last long”, I keep saying to myself. Even in the blackness and nothingness of this space, I knew I was traveling somewhere very important and that I could trust the loving voice within, reassuring me that everything was as it should be.

Suddenly, I can see again. And I feel total peace and calmness. I’m standing somewhere in space looking down at the Earth. There is a Being with me on my right side -someone quite tall, a male energy, but i never looked at him directly. I could see long, narrow, pale bluish- gray feet, and a light gray robe from my peripheral vision as I gazed down at this beautiful planet. Then my eyes caught a patch of scintillating, undulating waves of light hovering over part of the Earth. It was MASSIVE. I couldn’t tell where it was geographically, but it was not at either of the poles. It was moving and shifting and changing - waves of shimmering, brilliant white sparkling light. For a split second the morphing shape formed a heart, lasting long enough to get my attention, then changed again. “What IS that?” I asked my guide. He spoke with a voice that was soft and gentle. “That is the Transcendental Temporary Time Transformer.” I stared at it, mesmerized by its sheer size and beauty. It looked alive. “What is that ?” I asked. “Are we supposed to go through it?” At this point I intuitively knew that this was something in place for the Ascension Process on Earth. He sort of chuckled “No! Goodness no. You would be killed instantly” he said. “Then what does it… do?”, I asked. He lovingly answered, “It is assisting in shifting timelines on Earth. It sends out waves of energy for moving into different timelines." At this moment he gave me a telepathic image of the Earth separating like a cell. I felt such immense bliss and love and hope as I gazed at the twinkling blanket of light. In response to my admiration and connection, it formed another heart. Then the dream faded away and I awoke.

melissa hobson