the warrior, the priestess and me

So, what relevance do the lives of Ma’ah and Azori have to my life right now? And how can I best honor them- their wisdom, experiences and gifts in my current reality as Melissa? I can reflect upon what was happening in my life when these magnificent women reached out to me - the struggles I was overcoming, the core patterns I was transcending, the concepts and practices I was learning. I truly believe that they became present in my consciousness to assist me. Through my deep desire to know, understand and heal myself, I was able to vibrationally call them into my experience as guides.

When Ma’ah came into my life, I was examining and exploring the ideas of “good” and “evil”, and the perceptions and judgements that society has placed upon these two very malleable concepts. I was acutely aware of all of my thoughts, words and actions, and recognizing areas where i was placing judgement upon people, situations or myself. As I lived the life of Ma’ah, I experienced the relief and sense of peace she felt from obliterating an enemy and protecting her race, her family. She was both a hero to her people, and a villain to those who suffered from the consequences of her actions. Living her extraordinary life in the dreamstate, and then being able to conceptualize it from my own lens (as Melissa), allowed me to have such deep new awarenesses that I could have never had otherwise. I was also experiencing resistance to standing in my own power at the time. I was digging deep into the origin of that issue (in this lifetime) so I could transcend that energy. Through just that one incarnational lifetime memory, I was able to remember and viscerally feel the courage and faith that she had in herself. I realized that because her life was part of my journey as a soul, I could merge with her fierce warrior spirit, drawing upon that strength and bringing it into my own experiences!

Similarly, when I connected with Azori, I was going through another deep transitional time in my life. Once again, the concept of standing in my own power and the resistances held within me were being challenged. Merging with Azori, the priestess, allowed me to know and really FEEL that standing in your own power does not mean you are ever isolated or alone. Knowing and fully understanding that there was a soul connection, a soul lineage to others who have come before me or after me, reassured me that I was fully supported in ways I will never completely comprehend. This lineage is a part of me. I felt the truth - that I needn’t be afraid of the unknown or unfamiliar because I can draw from the knowledge, wisdom and experiences of ALL incarnational selves to assist me.

I honor and call upon these amazing women in meditation. I offer all of myself -my vibration, my experiences, my perspectives and my gifts to them as well, in love and gratitude for all they share and exchange with me. I am certain that there are many, many layers to these beautiful connections that have not yet been uncovered, and i wait patiently for even deeper truths to surface.
My deepest wish is that they are doing the same from wherever and whenever they are. Understanding the intricately woven threads that connect us to other incarnations has inspired me to be more and more of who I AM in this precious life, in this now moment.

melissa hobson